Home / Podcast / Green Card for Abandoned Children | Case Study 2024

Green Card for Abandoned Children | Case Study 2024

Green Card for Abandoned Children is the focus of this heartfelt episode of the VivaVisa Podcast, where attorney Kousha Adhami discusses the journey of helping a young client obtain lawful status through the SIJS (Special Immigrant Juvenile Status) program. This episode provides a detailed look at the legal pathways available for minors in crisis, especially those who have been neglected, abandoned, or abused and who lack familial support. Securing SIJS status, under immigration law sections INA §101(a)(27)(J) and §245(h), offers a green card opportunity for abandoned children by prioritizing their best interests over the need for reunification with parents.

The episode highlights specific guardianship requirements for SIJS, such as the necessity of court-approved guardianship when minors lack parental care. In this case, the young client faced obstacles including homelessness, traumatic loss, and previous legal missteps. Adhami’s team tackled these challenges by meeting urgent deadlines and gathering extensive documentation and character witness statements to prove the minor’s eligibility and relationship with his new guardian.

This episode emphasizes the importance of timely action and comprehensive legal support for families and guardians navigating SIJS applications. It aims to ensure that minors meet the requirements under U.S. immigration law and successfully obtain lawful residency.


  • What Are the Requirements for SIJS for Minors in Crisis?

To qualify for SIJS, a minor must demonstrate abandonment, neglect, or abuse and show that reunification with a parent is not in their best interest.

Document Hardship Thoroughly for SIJS Approval:

Minors in crisis should gather thorough documentation of their circumstances to strengthen their SIJS case.


  • How Do Guardianship Requirements for SIJS Applications work?

Guardianship was crucial in this case, as Sam’s guardian, Aaron, was a mentor rather than a relative. The guardianship was established through court testimonies and character witnesses.

Establish Strong Guardianship Through Character Testimonies:

For minors with non-relative guardians, building a case around the guardian’s parental role can support SIJS eligibility.


  • How Can Minors Close to the Age Cutoff Secure SIJS Status?

Sam’s case was expedited due to his age, as SIJS applications must be filed before the minor turns 21.

Use Expedited Filings to Meet Age Limits for SIJS:

Filing early and requesting expedited hearings can help minors nearing the age cutoff secure their SIJS status.



This episode demonstrates the critical steps for securing SIJS for abandoned minors, including guardianship and court support. For families facing similar situations, Adhami Law Group offers the expertise needed to navigate complex SIJS cases and help minors build a stable future. Contact us at 213-204-6500 or visit our website for comprehensive support in your SIJS journey.



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